Labels:crt screen | monitor | plant | web site | window OCR: Dear Users. This or VGA animation Which explains why Sierra Onl ine Electro nic Arts and Origin Systems ALLwanted to publish this game Apogee. though. Ioyal to shareware Note This game requires 286 or better systen t will no run on XIs Yendors You may split this game onto two 360k f 1oppy disks by zip ping the VSWAP .WL1 f ile separately. then ip the rest of the files ie certain not to distribute the CONFIG WL1 f ile which created wh >mount /mnt/ram tmp. 'mwm bcw Zimage theDrawCOM Drive mounted as local direc tory /mnt/ram. tmp/ /mwm bcw Zimage theDrawCOM/ E:\>SLEEP E\>Z:IDREC COM start E:\>DOSEXE bat loyal requ ires system Vendors loppy YSWAP CONF crea SLEEF NIDREC